Video on what to do when customer due diligence can’t be concluded

Video on what to do when customer due diligence can't be concluded

Singapore AML/CFT laws mandate that regulated entities apply adequate customer due diligence measures. CDD is performed when establishing a business relationship as it helps detect the risk level customers pose. CDD helps determine whether a regulated entity can establish business relationships with a customer.

However, what do you do when a customer’s due diligence can’t be completed or concluded?

This video guides regulated entities on what action to take when they cannot conclude the CDD process.

If we briefly explain, such a situation can occur when:

  • Customer’s key identification details not found
  • Customer’s ID proof not shared/can’t be verified through a reliable source
  • Customer’s adequate information is missing

Singapore AML regulations guide the suitable actions that one needs to undertake when CDD can’t be concluded:

  • Not to establish a business relationship
  • Not allowing transactions with the person
  • When EDD measures fail to apply to high-risk customers
  • When ongoing CDD can’t be concluded

In such cases, if suspicion arises, the regulated entities must file a STR report with the Suspicious Transaction Reporting Office, along with the reason for non-completion of the CDD and other suspicions.

Check out the added video detailing situations, actions, and reporting requirements.


  • 0:00 Introduction on Exploring the actions when the CDD process cannot be concluded
  • 0:30 What is Customer Due Diligence?
  • 1:21 In which situation is the CDD process treated as incomplete?
  • 2:11 What actions are undertaken when CDD cannot be completed?
  • 3:24 Conclusion and Regards

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